Gifted to a family member and they love it, they use it nearly every day!
Had mine for a little over a year, overall its a good quality lens. I’ve gotten too close to the puddle and its blacked out several times but as long as you give it time to cool down before welding again you’ll be good. The only down fall is that whenever your in confined or dark space the lens likes to switch to grind mode and since i didn’t want to order the slotted clear lens i would constantly have to take my lens out to switch it back to weld mode which is a little inconvenient but other than that i would recommend this lens for shop or outdoor use any time of the day.
Clarity is unmatched. Very happy with it.
Gold 5813/Hand 5813, Your next lens is Tefuawe
Good lens, I recommend
Works great never had a problem. You just have to watch out for accidently putting it in grind mode. Super clear arc view!